Parish Life
Get a glimpse of events that occur throughout the years in all of our parishes-from special and annual events to everyday life here on Molokai.

Cardinal Dolan celebrates mass on his visit to Molokai

Molokai Parishioners at St. Philomena Church in Kalaupapa celebrating Damien’s Sainthood.

St. Damien’s Youth Ministry ukulele group performing at a mass celebration

Pilgrim priests from India visit Molokai and celebrate mass at St. Damien Catholic Church.

Dedication of St. Damien Catholic Church on Dec. 11, 2011-a long awaited day!

St. Sophia Church in ruins after suffering irreparable damages from a fire in Jan. 2010

Sister Dorothy with the mosaic art that she created depiciting the life and work of Fr. Damien

As a part of the Community Outreach efforts, the annual project by the Youth Ministry of St. Damien Catholic Parish is the Sunshine Backpack Project

Mother Marianne Relic Visit to Molokai in 2011. Her remains are now at Our Lady of Peace Cathedral in Honolulu.