Blessings, pono and pule to all on this feast of the Mexican “Cristero” martyrs, Sts. Christopher Magallanes (a priest) and his companions.

“Viva Cristo Rey! Viva! Viva!” This was the battle cry of the “Cristeros” when they fought against the Mexican Government in the 1920’s to restore the Catholic Church and the Sacraments in the country, where they had been abolished by law.

Right now I think we can relate to what the Mexican people had to endure then, going without mass and the sacraments. Hopefully, our wait to reopen the churches will not be as long as it was in Mexico during the 1920’s.

When we think that this present time is unprecedented, we are reminded that things like this have happened before in the history of the world and our Church. It shows us that we endure. That all peoples have endured the unthinkable. And, it makes us thankful that God gave us that endurance to weather the storms.

The priest, Christopher Magallanes, and his companions were taken before a firing squad of Mexican Government soldiers and shot to death. They were martyrs to the faith and helped to prove the power of the King of all, Christ the King. “Viva Cristo Rey! Viva! Viva!”

Our Scriptures tell us today that the Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power through preaching and testifying and that God does not abandon us like orphans. This should turn our sorrow into joy knowing that God is there to save us.


“Preaching the word and testifying that the Christ was Jesus.” (Acts 18)

“The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power. The Lord has made his salvation known. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God. Sing praise.” (Psalm 98)

“I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord; I will come back to you, and your hearts will rejoice.” (John 14)

“Your grief will become joy.” (John 16)

Blessings, Peace, Pono and Pule!

Fr. Brian Guerrini,