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So far Paula Scott has created 327 blog entries.

Inspiration for Monday, 10th Week in Ordinary Time

Peace and love of the Lord be with you on this Monday of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time! Well, it really isn't ordinary time right now in our world! It seems there is a lot to reflect on and God knows we have all been doing that! In the Beatitudes, Jesus gives his disciples [...]

By |2020-06-09T07:54:37+00:00June 8th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Inspiration for Monday, 10th Week in Ordinary Time

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History: (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927) (continued from June 6th) There are in the rites and teachings of the old Hawaiian religion certain things, which, not improbably, are remnants of Catholic worship and teaching. Particularly striking [...]

By |2020-06-09T08:09:13+00:00June 7th, 2020|Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

In Preparation for the Trinity Sunday

A Personal Reflection by Fr. Brian: When I was growing up, in the 1960's, I remember watching sporting events on television and whenever the camera would show shots of the crowd, inevitably there would be someone, sometimes with brightly-colored frizzy hair, holding up a sign which simply said, "Jn 3:16". After I saw this more [...]

By |2020-06-09T08:06:16+00:00June 7th, 2020|celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian, Stories from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on In Preparation for the Trinity Sunday

Saturday, Ninth Week In Ordinary Time

Peace to all as we open up our churches here on topside Molokai for weekend masses. This weekend we celebrate Trinity Sunday which has special meaning for Catholics since it celebrates the greatest mystery of our faith, the Blessed Trinity! Today's Scriptures speak of professing and showing our faith through persistence, whether convenient or inconvenient. [...]

By |2020-06-07T02:00:16+00:00June 7th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1|Comments Off on Saturday, Ninth Week In Ordinary Time

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History:   (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927)   (continued from June 4th)   Now since Paao introduced a new religion, it can hardly have been any other but the Roman Catholic religion.   It must be [...]

By |2020-06-06T08:51:52+00:00June 5th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian, Native Hawaiian History|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Celebrating St. Boniface Day

A Personal Reflection from Fr. Brian: My mother's father's side of my family was German, German Catholics, through and through, and also very strict German Catholics. On today, the feast of St. Boniface, Apostle to the German race, I reflect on my own German heritage. My mother's maiden name was Oberhausen, a very German name. [...]

By |2020-06-06T08:49:14+00:00June 5th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian, Stories from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Celebrating St. Boniface Day

Friday 9th Week in Ordinary Time-a reflection

Blessings & Peace! Today we remember St. Boniface, a Bishop and Martyr who became the patron Saint of Germany and apostle to the people of Germany. In today's readings we hear of persecution, deliverance, salvation and the wisdom, faith, peace and love that is a part of these experiences. Today is the First Friday of [...]

By |2020-06-06T08:49:35+00:00June 5th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Friday 9th Week in Ordinary Time-a reflection

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History: (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927) (continued from June 3rd) We have yet another historical proof of the visits by Spaniards to the Hawaiian Islands. On the island of Oahu a stone statue has been found [...]

By |2020-06-04T22:39:45+00:00June 4th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Native Hawaiian History, stories of pioneers of faith in Hawaii|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Inspiration for Thursday of the 9th week of ordinary time

Peace to all on this Thursday of the 9th week of ordinary time! What is the greatest commandment? Jesus tells us in today's gospel. "Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, soul and with all your strength. And, love your neighbor as yourself." For the Jewish scribe, he knew well the first [...]

By |2020-06-04T22:34:07+00:00June 4th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Inspiration for Thursday of the 9th week of ordinary time
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