Blessings to all, this Friday of Easter Week!

Jesus invites us to breakfast today! Are you hungry?

In today’s Gospel, we hear of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearance to some of his disciples, including Simon Peter, at the Sea of Tiberias. We see another of Jesus’ miracles, an abundant catch of fish. It is but another revelation of Jesus after his death and resurrection and speaks to us of Jesus’ continuous invitation to us to come have breakfast with him.

In these days of quarantine, let us go to the Lord to share in his breakfast of fish and bread, to share in his food of eternal life.

He has risen, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!!!


“It was in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean . . . in his name this crippled man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4)

“Jesus revealed himself again . . . Come, have breakfast.” (John 21)

May Almighty God bless you and your ohana: + In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Blessings, Pule & Pono!

Fr. Brian,