A Personal Reflection by Fr. Brian:

One time in California in 1992, I drove from the Bay Area down to LA to see the brothers. I was on the staff of a high school in Alameda and it was a break time from school. As I was getting closer to LA, I remember seeing vehicle after vehicle after vehicle of National Guard troops going in the same direction. I was aware that the Rodney King riots were beginning in LA and that these troops were being brought in to quench any violence.

I am reminded of this now, some 28 years later with the same thing going on in some of our cities. It makes me sad that things really haven’t changed in nearly 30 years.

As I watched the news coverage while I was in LA, it was sad to see the violence in the streets of LA, happening less than 30 miles of where I was staying. We prayed a lot!

Blessings, pono and pule!
Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.