If you are unable to fulfill your Sunday obligation for mass due to health, masses are still available via livestream. The livestream mass schedule can be found on the Diocese of Honolulu website. The live stream can also be viewed on the Facebook page for the Cathedral of Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. It can also be viewed at Hawaii Catholic TV for those who are not on Facebook but do have internet connection. Live stream schedule for masses and special events from the Cathedral: Daily Mass at 12 noon, Monday – Friday, Saturday 7:00 am with Adoration and Benediction, Sunday at 10 am
Daily Mass Tuesdays – Fridays, 7:00 am, St. Damien Church If the priest is not available, it will be a communion service if there is a Deacon available.
During the month of December, the Rooster Mass schedule will be observed starting on Dec. 16th up to Christmas Day. Daily mass during that time is held at 5 am with a potluck on the very last day. All are welcome!
Saturday: 5:00 pm, St. Damien.
Sunday: 7:00 am, Our Lady of Seven Sorrows (East End)
Sunday: 9:00 am, St. Damien (Kaunakakai)
Sunday: 11:00 am, St. Vincent Ferrer (Maunaloa) Potluck lunch following this mass every first Sunday of the month. You are welcome to join whether or not you have a dish to bring!
Confessions: 4:00-4:30pm on Saturdays at St. Damien.
Doors of the churches will open one hour before mass. If you cannot make it to the regularly scheduled confession time, please contact the parish priest to make alternate arrangements.
Lent and Holy Week Schedule:
March 5: Ash Wednesday; ashes distributed at 7 am
and 6 pm Masses, St. Damien. No distribution of ashes
at OLSS and St. Vincent
March 7 – April 11: Stations of the Cross every Friday
5 pm at OLSS and St. Vincent Ferrer, 5:30 pm at St.
March 18: Penance Service 6 pm St. Damien
April 12-13: Palm Sunday, palm leaves will be provided
April 17: Holy Thursday, Mass 6 pm St. Damien,
Adoration until 10 pm.
April 18: Good Friday Service 6 pm St. Damien
April 19: Holy Saturday Vigil Mass 7 pm St. Damien
April 20: Easter Sunday 6:30 am OLSS Mass, Sunrise
Service followed by potluck; 9 am St. Damien, 11 am
St. Vincent.
A Prayer Before Each Weekend Mass:
“O God, through your Son, Jesus, we offer you a prayer and thanksgiving before our celebration of the Eucharist. The lives of St. Damien and St. Marianne-the Saints of Molokai-are our patrons and special intercessors for the intentions for which we pray. Being blessed to be here on the sacred ground of Molokai, through their example of giving themselves as a witness to love, we pray for the world, especially for the rejected in society and for those in need of our prayers. We pray for ourselves to be joy filled persons with compassion; and we ask to have a willingness to serve the Kingdom in the capacity to which we are able to give. Saints Damien and Marianne who served the Hansen’s disease patients without any distinction of race or religion help us to reach out in spirit and prayer to create a civilization of love.
St. Damien, Servant of Humanity, pray for us.
St. Marianne, Mother of Outcasts, pray for us.”