Inspiration for Thursday of the 9th week of ordinary time

Peace to all on this Thursday of the 9th week of ordinary time! What is the greatest commandment? Jesus tells us in today's gospel. "Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, soul and with all your strength. And, love your neighbor as yourself." For the Jewish scribe, he knew well the first [...]

By |2020-06-04T22:34:07+00:00June 4th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Inspiration for Thursday of the 9th week of ordinary time

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History: (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927) (continued from June 2nd) Although we do not know the name of the Spaniard who discovered the Hawaiian Islands, there can be no doubt but that the group of islands [...]

By |2020-06-03T23:27:22+00:00June 3rd, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Inspirational words and prayers for Wednesday 9th week in Ordinary Time

May the Lord bless you on this feast of the African martyrs St. Charles Lwanga and His Companions! We are blessed to receive the Eucharist once again! As our country deals with different forms of death, we have the encouraging words of Jesus, that "God is a God of the living, not a God of [...]

By |2020-06-03T22:48:10+00:00June 3rd, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Inspirational words and prayers for Wednesday 9th week in Ordinary Time

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History: (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927) (continued from Jun 1st)) "By all the documents that have been examined, it is demonstrated that the discovery [of the Hawaiian Islands] dates from the year 1555 . . . [...]

By |2020-06-03T00:02:01+00:00June 3rd, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Native Hawaiian History|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

A Reflection on the Scripture of Tuesday the 9th Week of Ordinary Time

Peace be with you and your ohana on this Monday of the 9th Week of Ordinary Time. Our Scriptures speak today of waiting, patience, growth, knowledge and the acknowledgement of God as our refuge: "We await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Consider the patience of our Lord as salvation. Grow [...]

By |2020-06-03T22:50:27+00:00June 2nd, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on A Reflection on the Scripture of Tuesday the 9th Week of Ordinary Time

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History: (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927) (continued from May 31) As the English first entered the Pacific under Drake in September, 1578, when one of the Admiral's three vessels, the Marigold, parted company in a gale [...]

By |2020-06-01T22:09:01+00:00June 1st, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Native Hawaiian History, stories of pioneers of faith in Hawaii|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

9th week of ordinary time Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini,

Today we celebrate a new Memorial in our church calendar. It is the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, the Monday following Pentecost. Today, we lift up Mary as a model of motherhood. That, she was a good mother to her son and to the Beloved Disciple, John. As we struggle [...]

By |2020-06-01T22:02:56+00:00June 1st, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on 9th week of ordinary time Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini,

Pentecost Sunday Mass at St. Damien Church, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini,

Aloha nui to all our parish ohana on this great Feast of Pentecost! The Coming of the Holy Spirit into the church and the world as sent by God though His own Son, Jesus Christ! With the Spirit comes peace. We pray for peace in the hearts of all, in mind, body and spirit. Tomorrow [...]

By |2020-05-31T23:39:47+00:00May 31st, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Pentecost Sunday Mass at St. Damien Church, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini,

Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii History: (from "History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands" by Father Reginald Yzendoorn, SS.CC., Honolulu Star-Bulletin Ltd., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 1927) (continued from yesterday) This history was told in 1823 by Governor Kuakini at Kailua and by other natives at Honuaula and Puuepa that the memory of the foreign priest is [...]

By |2020-05-30T21:20:14+00:00May 30th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Native Hawaiian History, stories of pioneers of faith in Hawaii|Comments Off on Excerpts from the History of the Catholic Mission in the Hawaiian Islands

Saturday 7th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini,

May the Lord be with you on this Saturday of the last week of Easter! Tomorrow we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. May the Spirit be alive in you! Today's Scriptures speak of suffering for the sake of the Kingdom and the spread of the Gospel. They also speak of the coming [...]

By |2020-05-30T21:14:25+00:00May 30th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Saturday 7th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini,
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