Tuesday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Aloha nui to all ohana on this Tuesday morning, the 6th week of Easter, 2020! Scripture: "Then he brought Paul and Silas out from their jail cell and said, 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved?' And they said, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus.' And his household rejoiced at having come to faith in [...]

By |2020-05-19T21:13:29+00:00May 19th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Tuesday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Excerpts from Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)

Molokai History: (from "Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)" by Robert Schoofs, SS.CC., Sturgis Printing Company, Inc., Honolulu, HI, 1978) (continued from May 17th) At Kaunakakai, Father Thomas offered Mass in the home of one of the few local Catholics, for lack of a chapel. In every one of [...]

By |2020-05-18T22:37:51+00:00May 18th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Leprosy in Hawaii, Molokai History|Comments Off on Excerpts from Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)

Monday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Peace of the Lord be with all on this Monday of the 6th week of Easter! It is the feast of a Pope who became a martyr, St. Pope John I. Let us pray for our Pope, Francis I, as he leads our church and the world through this crisis. Let us pray for a [...]

By |2020-05-18T22:34:35+00:00May 18th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Monday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Sunday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kaluaaha, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Sunday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kaluaaha, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc. Today's mass was recorded at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows church. May the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your ohana on this 6th Sunday of Easter! We hear Jesus speaking of the Holy Spirit [...]

By |2020-05-17T21:16:58+00:00May 17th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Sunday 6th week of Easter Mass at Kaluaaha, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Saturday, 5th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc

Peace be with all of our parish ohana on this Saturday of the 5th week of Easter! In today's Scriptures, we hear of growth in the Lord, of being called and chosen, of serving with joy and of seeking the things of God. Let us embrace these words and be inspired to think, do and [...]

By |2020-05-16T23:33:44+00:00May 16th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Saturday, 5th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc

Friday, 5th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Aloha nui to all on this feast of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers! I think the Molokai High School should adopt him as their patron saint. Scripture: "It is the decision of the Holy Spirit not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities." (Acts of the Apostles 15) "I will give [...]

By |2020-05-15T23:53:05+00:00May 15th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Friday, 5th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Thursday of 5th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Peace be with all ohana's this feast of St. Matthias! On this day, the feast of St. Matthias, twelve years ago, while on my knees, I placed my hands in the hands of Bishop Ricardo Ramirez, CSB, the Bishop of the Las Cruces, New Mexico Diocese in the parish church of Our Lady of Grace [...]

By |2020-05-14T21:43:24+00:00May 14th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Thursday of 5th week of Easter Mass at Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)

Molokai History: (from "Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)" by Robert Schoofs, SS.CC., Sturgis Printing Company, Inc., Honolulu, HI, 1978) (continued from May 12th) Father Damien was, of course, very glad to have this little place of worship [St. Philomena's in Kalawao], which filled his needs for the time [...]

By |2020-05-13T21:18:02+00:00May 13th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Leprosy in Hawaii, Molokai History, St. Damien, Stories of Kalaupapa|Comments Off on Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)

Our Lady of Fatima Mass from Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

  Aloha nui to all on this 13th day of May, 2020! Today, we celebrate Our Lady of Fatima and the apparition of the Blessed Mother to the three shepherd children in Portugal: Lucia Dos Santos and her two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto. As millions stay home and the Fatima shrine in Portugal is [...]

By |2020-05-13T21:12:49+00:00May 13th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Our Lady of Fatima Mass from Kamalo, Molokai with Fr. Brian Guerrini, ss.cc.

Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)

Molokai History: (from "Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)" by Robert Schoofs, SS.CC., Sturgis Printing Company, Inc., Honolulu, HI, 1978) (continued from May 11th) In the late 1860's, Father Delalande succeeded Father Bouillon. This brings us to 1873, the year Father Damien volunteered to go to Kalawao to minister [...]

By |2020-05-12T21:25:02+00:00May 12th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, Damien Church Blog 1, Leprosy in Hawaii, Molokai History|Comments Off on Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)
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