3rd Sunday of Easter mass and message from Fr. Brian in Kamalo, Molokai

Aloha nui to all ohana's on this the 3rd Sunday of Easter! It is with faith, hope and love in the Lord that we are able to pray and communicate together through social media in these challenging times. Thanks be to God! In the readings from Holy Scripture for today, we hear of the victory [...]

By |2020-04-26T20:56:47+00:00April 26th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on 3rd Sunday of Easter mass and message from Fr. Brian in Kamalo, Molokai

2nd Saturday of Easter mass with Fr. Brian at Kamalo, Molokai

Blessings & much pule this Saturday of the 2nd week of Easter! Today is the Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist. He was one of the four gospel writers who passed on the faith through their writings. His is the shortest of the four gospels. However, Matthew and Luke's Gospels all took much from Mark's [...]

By |2020-04-26T01:07:48+00:00April 26th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on 2nd Saturday of Easter mass with Fr. Brian at Kamalo, Molokai

Daily message and mass with Fr. Brian in Kamalo, Molokai Friday 2nd Week of Easter

Daily message and mass with Fr. Brian: Aloha nui to all! On this Friday of the 2nd Week of Easter, we continue to offer our pule for those affected by the pandemic throughout the world. We pray for a safe return to daily life at some point without endangering our health and well-being. We pray [...]

By |2020-04-24T22:34:45+00:00April 24th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Daily message and mass with Fr. Brian in Kamalo, Molokai Friday 2nd Week of Easter

Fr. Brian’s daily message and mass on this Thursday, the 2nd week of Easter

Fr. Brian's daily message and mass on this Thursday, the 2nd week of Easter: Peace be with you! On this Thursday of the 2nd week of Easter, we hear about two martyrs whose memorials it is today: St. George and St. Adalbert. St. George is the Patron Saint of the countries of England, Ethiopia and [...]

By |2020-04-23T21:45:20+00:00April 23rd, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Fr. Brian’s daily message and mass on this Thursday, the 2nd week of Easter

Earth Day: 2nd Wednesday of Easter message from Fr. Brian

Aloha nui to all! May God's peace be with each and every one of you on this Wednesday of the 2nd week of Easter! As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, let us do something for the earth today - water a plant, cut the grass, weed the garden, something we can do [...]

By |2020-04-22T21:56:44+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Earth Day: 2nd Wednesday of Easter message from Fr. Brian

2nd Tuesday of Easter Daily Mass and Message from Fr. Brian

Fr. Brian's message and daily mass: Aloha nui to all ohana's! May the Spirit of Christ be with you this Tuesday of the 2nd week of Easter! With things on hold, we are blessed with time to read or pray or meditate. This is a good thing! We are also blessed with opportunities to look [...]

By |2020-04-22T01:18:33+00:00April 21st, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on 2nd Tuesday of Easter Daily Mass and Message from Fr. Brian

2nd Monday of Easter Daily message and mass from Fr. Brian

Aloha nui to all of our St. Damien of Molokai Ohana! How's your pono? It's important for us to stay balanced in mind, body & spirit in these days before we get some sense of normalcy back in our lives. And, as in today's readings, we have the help of the Holy Spirit to strengthen [...]

By |2020-04-20T22:17:19+00:00April 20th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on 2nd Monday of Easter Daily message and mass from Fr. Brian

Divine Mercy 2nd Sunday of Easter Mass with Fr. Brian

Alleluia! He has Risen! In these times of uncertainty, the great mana of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead inspires our faith and thanksgiving. It is through the mercy of God that we have the peace we seek and the defeat of doubt and fear in our lives. "Blessed are those who have not [...]

By |2020-04-20T21:44:07+00:00April 19th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Divine Mercy 2nd Sunday of Easter Mass with Fr. Brian

Saturday of Easter Week Mass and Blessing From Fr. Brian

Aloha nui to all! Pray that all of you are keeping your pono! Keep up your pule! In these challenging times, it is a good thing that they correspond to our season of Easter because Easter brings with it new hope and new life. And, this is exactly what we need right now. God has [...]

By |2020-04-19T03:02:43+00:00April 19th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Saturday of Easter Week Mass and Blessing From Fr. Brian

Friday of Easter Week Message from Fr. Brian

Blessings to all, this Friday of Easter Week! Jesus invites us to breakfast today! Are you hungry? In today's Gospel, we hear of Jesus' post-Resurrection appearance to some of his disciples, including Simon Peter, at the Sea of Tiberias. We see another of Jesus' miracles, an abundant catch of fish. It is but another revelation [...]

By |2020-04-17T22:34:40+00:00April 17th, 2020|Catholicism in Hawaii, celebrating the mass, Damien Church Blog 1, messages from Fr. Brian|Comments Off on Friday of Easter Week Message from Fr. Brian
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